Saturday, September 25, 2010

Opening thoughts on spirituality and consciousness

I grew up in relatively evangelical christian schools and thus I grew up as a Christian.
However, it was in the summer of 2009 that I really started to question my faith.
At first I was scared of the idea of the idea that maybe my religion wasn't right, and I couldn't believe I could start to doubt something I had always been taught was right. However, once I stepped out of that shell and really opened my mind to other possibilities, I have been extremely liberated. I have not given up some of the main teachings of oJesus such as love your neighbor, so on and so forth, but I do not believe in god the way christianity does anymore.
Upon research, deep thought, and talking with my mentor, I have seen the possibility and what I believe to be truth that we all have an inner god within us. It is simply a matter of killing back the ego enough to allow that inner god to present itself in you.
I do not believe that many of the "sins" or "temptations" are bad. They're merely human impulses that are completely natural. Thus I see no reason why we should be punished for acting according to how we were made.
To put it simply, I believe that to be a good person, and have a good life after this one, you must kill the ego, and live for love, and love everyone.
It is a constant effort.
Keep going. Sprial out.

First Blog. No better day to begin

Well, I've been reading my cousin's blog for a couple months or so now, and I decided I wanted to start one of my own.
I'm not entirely sure what I hope to achieve in writing this blog, but that only increases the fun of it all. I think that purpose will unveil itself as I write more and more.
Today was basically what I describe as Perfect. It started with a hike through the Bosque with Kate, Oly, and crew (I interned for Kate and Oly last spring in my senior year of highschool). It was a great hike, and the weather was beautiful.
After the hike, I had my hair cut and cleaned up, leaving me feeling pretty fresh. Next, I went by the house to pick up my first Teavana order that finally came in. Mom and I went through some of the teas, smelling them and such. We decided to brew a half mug of the Fruta Bomba Green Tea. It was delicious. It has a great taste of papaya to it.
I then drove over to work...oh work. My job and I have quite the love-hate relationship. Days I don't do well, I can't stand it. Fortunately, today was a good day. I got several solid sales, thus giving me a great line hour.
After work, I headed to the mall, got a new lip ring (which I am having issues getting in), and some crisp new shirts from express. I'm pretty happy about my purchases...
Finally I headed back to the dorms, with new clothes, new hair, and new tea in tote. The boys and I skated for a couple hours before we finally decided to call it an evening.
Oh how could I forget! The season 6 premier of Supernatural was tonight! It left me extremely confused, but even more excited to find out what's going on.
Well, my mug of Tranquil Dreams is almost empty, so I suppose it's time to TRY to do some yoga (I'm not flexible at all!!! lol) and then hit the hay.
Tomorrow's topic: My spiritual beliefs, and the folks who helped me to see.